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Trevor Kildiszew-Sikorski


By Ai Weiwei: 2,046 items of clothing gathered from refugee camps in and around Idomeni, Greece. Washed, pressed, and hung with multicolored tags  in a large room wallpapered with refugee-related news headlines as well as photos by the artist.

Take a pic. Accidental gathers airlessness. Like gloves who.
Sells these shrugs. Returning responsibility’s URLs. Eyes these shirts.
Too fast at. Digitally becoming incorporated. Ghosts trenched where.
Dumb thumbs clean. Tragedy using smartphones. Make it white.
Space by a. Onesie’s conspicuous inwardness. The hurt in.
Husk past this. Barely human confided. To go in.
And wait to. Continue waiting underneath. Rain i heard.
There were two. Thousand forty items. And six more.
Most pinned like. Ribcages supposedly stainless. Steel i did.
Not see them. Isn’t seeing important. I could not.
Not look the. Oceans crossing carcasslike. In Ai’s eyes.
Clothes on wheels. Velcro’s legal physics. And why washed.
Who cleaned what. Evacuating Idomeni remained. What he could.
Not worth the. Difference between copser. And corpse what.
Sings stretched sees. Afterward gliding gilding. To racks racks.
And tags these. Buttonholes neatly fastened. Shut free from.
Heard from skin. Otherwise unacknowledged oceans. In air i.
Learned maw and. Maybe enter depends. Who else there.
Bomb cold light. Represents without expression. Good bad art.
Can i say. Dragging unutterable across. Or pant legs.
Or pry these. Itemized canines open. Lord and my.
Mouth will praise. Fungible fever rather. Meat tins that.
Like us last. Carnivorous abstractedly counting. All oil left.
Can I say. Cavernous evaporative sanitized. How some would.
Pay for their. Puffy woven resoled. Chintz laced hued.
Plain dull drab. Polyester cotton rubber. Graphed knit crew.
Cut skin tight. Elastic never perforated. Blouse blown closed.
The wind’s raw. Adjectives tightening leeward. Throats of knock.
Off Uggs one. Slipper Adidas Converses. And boots buy.
Them buy the. Barely human many. It shows our.
My clutched as. Advertised homonymous misunderstandings. Ÿ
Ÿ Ÿ             — — — Ÿ 

"Hush: A Journal of Noise" © 2022 Design by Erik Fuhrer

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