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Chris McCreary

Chris McCreary is the author of several books and chapbooks including the chapbook Maris McLamoureary’s Dictionnaire Infernal (Empty Set Press), co-authored with Mark Lamoureux (issue six contributor). His new book of poems, awry, was recently released by White Stag. He lives in South Philadelphia and on IG at @chris___mccreary.



I cried for the wild flowers because I am

of a less hearty cultivar.


I gratified my masters 

by grafting gaffes 


until their displeasures

became bouquets.


I've survived by weaving wreathes I'd leave

for free beside the highway.


Let face save the feelings
wheel : we delete

what spun. I am nothing
if not


small & strategically
oblique. I mean,


right’s wronged off


& on. I meant to tell you
from the whelm. How those


postcards wrote themselves
in an embarrassment


of declaratives. Zipped it
in a different code.

"Hush: A Journal of Noise" © 2022 Design by Erik Fuhrer

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